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In the cultural region of Höxter
In the cultural region of Höxter



Welcome to the internet pages of Marienmünster with the state-approved climatic spa Vörden!

Dear guests!

As mayor of the town of Marienmünster I would like to welcome you cordially and am pleased about your interest in the internet pages of our town.

These internet pages shall serve as an orientation guide and provide worth knowing information about the history of our town, the leisure facilities and public as well as private utilities.

If you require further information, the staff members of the city council and me are at your command. I hope that our homepage will inspire you to visit Marienmünster when the opportunity is given. It is our wish that you as a guest in our town have a pleasant stay and spend a nice holiday.

Marienmünster is looking forward to your visit!

Yours sincerely, Robert Klocke, Mayor
