Stadt Marienmünster (Druckversion)

Attractive holiday home area

At the foot of the “Hungerberg”, in close vicinity to Vörden, lies the attractive holiday home area. The adventure playground is not far away.Here, Marienmünster offers properties which can be covered with a holiday home.

On the map you can see the size of the properties.

Information about the building grounds

  • purchase price per square meter: 15,00 EUR
  • contribution for the canalization connection per square meter: 4,86 EUR
  • contribution for the water-connection per square meter: 0,83 EUR
  • Regulations of the land-use plan: special area – holiday-home area, max. building area 100 sqm, one floor

Do you have any questions?

Please send us an e-mail or give us a call. We try to help you unbureaucratically and as quickly as possible. Besides, we are at your disposal for a personal conversation.

You are welcome at any time!